January 15, 2010

Reading a verse anew...

Have you ever read a verse that you loved and then been enlightened when you read it again? I have Ps. 36:9 as the subtitle on my blog; "...in your light do I see light.". This morning I received the daily e-mail from Matthew Henry's Method for Prayer. This one was from chapter 2 that encouraged me to Thank God for Sweet Communion with Him in Holy Ordinances. The prayer he had from Psalm 36:8-9 was real encouragement to me this morning to look to God. This is what it said: "I have feasted on the abundance of your house, and you have given me drink from the water of your delights: for with you is the fountain of life; in your light do I see light."

It struck me that God has given me so much (abundance, and drinking his delights) and yet today I have grumbled and complained and gotten angry at my children. But how did this help without just giving me guilt?

The answer is the gospel. The light that he had given me is Christ. That is what matters. I have been bought by Christ's blood and I have already tasted his delights and drank from his fountain.

But, how does that help when I am sinning right now? I know that it doesn't mean I can keep sinning...but it does mean that if I repent, God has already washed my sins away and I can go back to his fountain and tastes those delight again (1 John 1:9). I can feast again in the abundance of his word and see light when my heart is toward him and he is my joy. So Jonathan Edwards and John Piper have it right: salvation is a daily fight for joy in Christ and not myself and my sins.

Lord, work in my heart and forgive my selfishness this morning. Help me to see your light and rejoice in you again today. In Jesus name, Amen.

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