September 3, 2009

When life gets ahead of you... are still able to see God's light.

This is what I have been telling myself this morning. :) We have had wonderful, late-night visits with family, times scurrying around trying to get school stuff together before the 8th, minutes talking with neighbors about our kids fighting and being bullied, and even babysitters to watch kids so I could finish a laptop cover for my little sister in 2 days. This busyness can cause me to go into focused mode. Sometimes that means I put blinders on and just get life done. I usually remember to take time for enjoyment with family (a trait I am glad my parents taught me), but I don't always remember to take time to see God.

Here is where God is so good to me! He has made sure these last few weeks to remind me that he is still here with me, working his will in me and my life. To top it off, it has all been out of my control. That is what makes him so good.

He has given books, encouraging words, verses and even my kids misbehaving to remind me that he hasn't forsaken me. The verses that are on my mind this morning are Psalm 119:41-42: "Let your steadfast love come to me, O LORD, your salvation according to your promise; then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me, for I trust in your word."

This brings me hope today for my kids (with their friends fighting) and mostly for me. Because if I have God's love and salvation there is no reason to fear anything - even sin! I can trust in his word and be able to answer any foe that is against me. That is the key: I can't take the 'taunting' away, but I can respond rightly because God loves me and is on my side.

May that comfort you today too...

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